AI Tools for Human Services Nonprofits
AI Can Help Nonprofit Teams In most nonprofits, there are often many tasks to do and not enough staff to complete them. Overtasking employees can impact morale and result in staff turnover. The good news is that artificial intelligence (AI) powered programs can support many of the duties your team faces daily. Additionally, its predictive […]
Buy or Build Your Own Case Management System for Human Services?
Your Current State You run a social services organization and you’re keeping all of your records in a spreadsheet, and now you are wondering if the investment in a case management solution is right for you. You’re probably already having trouble getting the reports you need and making informed decisions about how to provide the […]
3 Things to Look for When Choosing Your Nonprofit Management Software
If you’re in the market for new software to help manage your organization, look to the cloud. Software-as-a-service (SaaS) platforms continue to explode in number and popularity, offering innovative solutions to serve organizations in virtually every industry. Nonprofits especially are finding SaaS offerings that help them operate more efficiently, making it easier to carry out […]
Single vs Multi-Tenant SaaS Architecture for Your Human Services Organization
If you’re considering a new software as a service (SaaS) solution for your human services organization, you’ve probably come across this question: Single or multi-tenancy? The two types of cloud architecture have different structures and offer various advantages and disadvantages for your human services organization. Whether your organization is a nonprofit, private enterprise, or public sector […]
Using Casebook’s API to Connect your Human Services Technology
Using Casebook’s API to Connect your Human Services Technology With human services and case work playing such a large role in community programs and impacting the lives or countless of individuals and families, one would imagine that funds to grow and improve such efforts are made readily available. Moreover, with the superabundance of new technology […]
Why Organizations are Choosing Configurable vs. Customizable Software
Configurable software allows users to adjust certain settings or parameters in order to customize the way it functions. This is often done through a user interface or configuration file, which enables users to easily make changes without having to delve into the underlying code of the software. On the other hand, customizable software is software […]
How Can Configurable Technologies Help Human Service Agencies Support Changes in Policy and Practice?
In parallel with the evolution of technology, policy and practice models continue to change to meet both regulatory requirements and best practices as understood through quantitative and qualitative research. We asked Elisha Gilliam, Director of Practice Integration, Casebook PBC / Senior Associate at the Annie E. Casey Foundation about the challenges and impact of new technologies. Since the implementation of major […]
Case management software that brings it all together.
In recent interviews with practitioners, a recurring challenge mentioned was the difficulty or annoyance of toggling between different software programs, the potential pitfalls that presents, and how it’s frustrating to switch gears to work on one case or record. A trend highlighted in multiple stakeholder interviews was how a user might go to one software […]
Features & Benefits: Helping the Helpers with Casebook Technology
After about a decade of working in public safety, I would get frustrated when our radio and software vendors would claim to be “saving lives.” These technologies were instrumental in the process of saving lives, but the radios and software weren’t risking their life and limb to pull someone from a burning building. So when […]
Casebook’s Adaptive Model Of Support
One of the benefits of my job is that I’m continually introduced to organizations making a big impact in their corner of the world. Like a good parent says: “They are all my favorites.” The truth is, some stand out more than others for their unique approaches or forgotten niches of the community that they […]