What Does a Police Social Worker Do?
Counseling and Crisis Response Support Police social workers complement the efforts of law enforcement officers, expanding the services provided by local police and sheriff’s departments. According to ZipRecruiter, they “provide counseling and crisis response support for community members who are referred by police officers.” They can be employed by various law enforcement organizations or by […]
Data Security: Why Does Client Privacy Matter?
6 Reasons Why Client Privacy Matters Client privacy rests atop the list of considerations that social workers, case managers, and human services professionals must make throughout the course of their day-to-day activities. With all the private information being passed around, it can be easy to lose sight of why keeping it confidential is vitally important. […]
3 Simple Ways Going Paperless Improves Data Security
If your organization’s workflow process isn’t paperless, you may be exposing yourself and your clients to easily avoidable security risks. There are many benefits of a paperless process, but you may not consider some basic ways in which relying on paper versions of forms, files, and essential documents leave your organization and clients potentially vulnerable. […]
Casebook’s Adaptive Model Of Support
One of the benefits of my job is that I’m continually introduced to organizations making a big impact in their corner of the world. Like a good parent says: “They are all my favorites.” The truth is, some stand out more than others for their unique approaches or forgotten niches of the community that they […]
Understanding the CCWIS Final Rule
On June 2, 2016, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) issued a final Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS) rule to replace the Statewide and Tribal Automated Child Welfare Information Systems (S/TACWIS) rule, which for more than twenty years had been the vehicle through which states sought federal assistance for funding child welfare technology […]
cb Reporting: Data That Matters
Ilana Novick Ilana Novick is a journalist and writer based in New York City. Her writing has appeared in Vice, AlterNet,…. Evaluation, reporting, and data management are a necessary part of life in the social services field. Funders want to measure the impact of their donations, licensing agencies need to ensure professional standards are […]
The Priority to Combat Staff Turnover in Social Services: Leadership Development
Welcome back to the second part in a two-part series on combating staff turnover in social services. Previously we talked about the budget dilemmas that typically put the least experienced and least paid staff on the frontlines, spending most of their time with the clients. Moreover, the heavy toll often inflicted on frontline social service workers means […]