How to Measure the Success of Transitional Housing Programs
Transitional housing programs provide temporary accommodation and support services to individuals experiencing homelessness or housing instability. These services typically last for 6-24 months while the individuals work toward securing permanent housing and greater self-sufficiency. There’s no denying that transitional housing programs are critical in solving homelessness. But just understanding what is a transitional housing program […]
Rethinking Casenotes: How Casenotes Can Save A Life: A Case Example
It’s no secret that casenotes are not at the top of social workers’ favorites list. Documentation in social work requires timely and thorough casenotes which, at times, may seem like an obstacle to social workers’ direct work with clients. It’s not uncommon therefore for workers to question the value of casenotes and seasoned peers might […]
Signs That Your Organizations Is Not As Trauma Informed As You Think (And How To Fix It!)
Trauma-Informed in Name When the research on trauma, adverse child experiences (ACEs), and the lifelong risks of ACEs went viral, it startled the entire human services field! The statistics not only shed new light on the vastness of trauma; they also spotlighted how some organizational practices have contributed to negative trauma outcomes. Human Service Organizations […]
The Long-Term Impact of Child Neglect on Development
As a school social worker, you’ve likely noticed the negative effects of child neglect in your daily work. Your role in identifying and addressing neglect early can significantly alter a child’s developmental trajectory. Understanding Child Neglect Child neglect manifests through parental omissions in care that result in actual or potential harm to a child. Unlike […]
How Housing Services Address Domestic Violence: Key Support Strategies
Domestic violence survivors often face a critical challenge that goes beyond escaping abuse — finding safe, stable housing. As a social worker, you’ve likely seen how housing insecurity can force survivors to choose between homelessness and returning to their abusers. The good news? Domestic violence housing services have evolved to offer comprehensive support that helps […]
Documenting Client Interactions: Tips for Writing Casenotes That Matter
Here’s a situation that almost every social worker can relate to — they’ve sat in a meeting with a client and handled all the twists and turns that occurred, but then at the end of the meeting, when it’s time to write their casenote, they don’t know where to begin. Even during relatively brief client […]
The Role of School Social Workers in Combating Truancy
As a school social worker, you’re often the first line of defense in addressing one of education’s most persistent challenges — truancy. Every day, you witness how unexcused absences can derail a student’s academic journey and future prospects. Your role extends far beyond simply tracking attendance; you’re a vital bridge between students, families, and the […]
Streamlining Case Management With Justice and Public Safety Software
Today’s social workers face mounting caseloads while juggling multiple responsibilities across law-enforcement agencies, courts, and emergency services. Your role demands quick access to critical information and seamless collaboration with various stakeholders — all while maintaining strict confidentiality standards. Modern public safety software transforms how you manage cases. It replaces scattered paperwork and siloed systems with streamlined […]
The Rising Need for Trauma-Informed Care in Schools
Trauma-Informed Care in Schools As a school social worker, you’ve likely seen firsthand the devastating impact trauma can have on students. From adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) to bullying, anxiety, and depression, the effects of trauma can be far-reaching and long-lasting. That’s why trauma-informed care in schools is more important than ever. It’s a holistic approach […]
How to Create and Track Your Student Case Management Plan
Student Case Management Whether they’re in elementary school, high school, or college, students face many unique challenges on campus and at home. Student case management aims to help students overcome these obstacles, whether they’re struggling with attendance, pushing away friends, or dealing with a recent loss. In doing so, you can help set the student […]