The Priority to Combat Staff Turnover in Social Services: Leadership Development

Welcome back to the second part in a two-part series on combating staff turnover in social services. Previously we talked about the budget dilemmas that typically put the least experienced and least paid staff on the frontlines, spending most of their time with the clients. Moreover, the heavy toll often inflicted on frontline social service workers means […]

The Priority to Combat Staff Turnover in Social Services

A little less than 20 years ago, almost to the day, I received a call that would unknowingly launch a 13-year career in child welfare services. That’s quite a remarkable tenure considering that when the organization called me for the interview, I couldn’t even remember who they were and when I applied. I had just […]

The Cloud is Here to Stay – Here’s How to Secure it

Despite the benefits and the increased use of Software as a Service (SaaS) in government and nonprofits, uncertainty about cloud security still exists. As the COVID-19 crisis forces the world to examine our ability to work from home, human services organizations are looking at creative ways to use the cloud to keep workers and clients […]