How Governments and Orgs Can Create Successful Re-Entry Programs
How to Collaboratively Create Successful Re-Entry Programs Re-entry is a critical issue facing the criminal justice system today. As a social worker, you know the challenges formerly incarcerated individuals face when trying to re-enter society. From finding housing and employment to overcoming the stigma, there are several obstacles hindering a smooth transition. But with the […]
The Role of Community Partnerships in Reducing Recidivism

Helping Reduce Recidivism with Community Partnerships Many community partnerships shine a spotlight on recidivism and its impact on individuals, families, and our culture. However, recidivism is a rather expansive issue comprising different economic and societal factors, so community leaders and organizations typically can’t directly address recidivism rates. The most effective anti-recidivism partnerships focus on various […]
How To Help Former Prisoners Adapt to a Halfway House
Transition Back to Society The transition from prison back into society can be extremely difficult for formerly incarcerated individuals. Many struggle to find housing and employment and adjust to daily life outside correctional facilities. It’s where halfway houses, also known as residential reentry centers (RRCs) or transitional housing, can provide critical support. As a social […]
The Role Of a Correctional Social Worker
Your Role in Reentry As a correctional social worker, you play a critical role in helping formerly incarcerated individuals successfully reintegrate into society after their release from prison. Through rehabilitation programs and supportive services, you empower these individuals to become productive members of their communities and reduce the likelihood that they reoffend and return to […]
Everything Social Workers Should Know About Reentry Programs
What is Recidivism? Recidivism, or a repeat offense by a former inmate, is among reentry social workers’ greatest challenges. Personalized reentry programs help released prisoners find the right resources and goals for their lives after incarceration. By establishing such a program, you can help reduce their risk of recidivism, losing social support, and being uprooted. […]