unhoused encampment

NOHO Home Alliance is Using Data to Foster Stronger Client Relationships and Human-Centered Services with Casebook.

200% Growth

From Using Casebook to Scale Outreach

50 Volunteers and 6 Staff

Supported by the Mobile-Ready Platform

Personalized Interactions

Casebook enables consistency and personalized care

unhoused encampment

NoHo Home Alliance

About NoHo Home Alliance

NoHo Home Alliance is a nonprofit organization Stephanie researched options that would work based in North Hollywood that provides critical services to people who are experiencing homelessness.

Case Study

NoHo Home Alliance, a North Hollywood nonprofit serving individuals experiencing homelessness, transitioned from paper records to Casebook’s customizable case management software to address the growing demand for its services. This shift has improved data accessibility, strengthened guest relationships, enhanced mail service efficiency, and enabled the organization to scale its impact while fostering dignity.


With an increasing need and use of services, NoHo Home Alliance recognized that its Excel sheets and paper records were no longer sufficient for effectively managing cases.

Outcomes: How Casebook Helped

Because of the robust information now stored within Casebook and its easy API integration, the organization is building a custom app to allow for better mail service management and communication with guests.

NOHO Home Alliance strives to be a place of neighborhood community and gathering. With more personal relationships and progress tracking aided by Casebook’s software solution, we are better positioned as an organization to do what we do best: serve our guests, make them feel welcome, and provide them with the tools for success.

Stephanie Caridad

Executive Director


NOHO Home Alliance


Homeless Outreach


North Hollywood, CA, USA


NoHo Home Alliance faced increasing demand for its services and struggled with outdated systems that hindered effective case management, data tracking, and personalized guest interactions.


Implementing Casebook's customizable software allowed the organization to centralize data, streamline workflows, and enhance its guest-first approach.


The new system improved service delivery, strengthened guest relationships, facilitated growth through better reporting and funding, and supported the development of a custom app for enhanced mail service management.

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