Understanding Posttraumatic Growth: The Power of Resilience

Understanding Posttraumatic Growth

My first experience with posttraumatic growth was in the form of a pink and purple butterfly, drawn by a pediatric client I’d been working with due to child sexual abuse.  It was their last day after working hard over the past months to heal and we drew good-bye cards together while focusing on celebrating this […]

Balancing Compassion and Boundaries: My Journey as a Social Worker

Setting Boundaries in Social Work

Why Is Setting Boundaries So Difficult For Social Workers Setting boundaries is a fundamental skill that social workers teach their clients, yet many social workers struggle with setting boundaries themselves. From my experience, here’s why:  Who Are Social Workers?  The people who choose to go into social work are usually caring, compassionate individuals who are […]

What Is CPT: A Complete Guide for Social Workers

how social workers use CPT to aid at-risk populations, prevent crime, and collaborate with law enforcement for safer communities

While working as a social worker, you may be asked to help clients deal with the lasting effects of trauma — whether it be war veterans or survivors of abuse or a natural disaster. With the right tools, you can easily navigate this process. Here, we dive into how a social worker can help guarantee public […]

The Long-Term Impact of Child Neglect on Development

As a school social worker, you’ve likely noticed the negative effects of child neglect in your daily work. Your role in identifying and addressing neglect early can significantly alter a child’s developmental trajectory. Understanding Child Neglect Child neglect manifests through parental omissions in care that result in actual or potential harm to a child. Unlike […]

How Housing Services Address Domestic Violence: Key Support Strategies

How Housing Services Address Domestic Violence: Key Support Strategies

Domestic violence survivors often face a critical challenge that goes beyond escaping abuse — finding safe, stable housing. As a social worker, you’ve likely seen how housing insecurity can force survivors to choose between homelessness and returning to their abusers. The good news? Domestic violence housing services have evolved to offer comprehensive support that helps […]

Documenting Client Interactions: Tips for Writing Casenotes That Matter

Writing effective casenotes

Here’s a situation that almost every social worker can relate to — they’ve sat in a meeting with a client and handled all the twists and turns that occurred, but then at the end of the meeting, when it’s time to write their casenote, they don’t know where to begin. Even during relatively brief client […]

The Role of School Social Workers in Combating Truancy

Discover how school social workers reduce truancy

As a school social worker, you’re often the first line of defense in addressing one of education’s most persistent challenges — truancy. Every day, you witness how unexcused absences can derail a student’s academic journey and future prospects. Your role extends far beyond simply tracking attendance; you’re a vital bridge between students, families, and the […]

How Does Housing Affect Crime Rates? Exploring the Role of Stable Housing in Reducing Recidivism

stable housing and reducing recidivism

When you work with individuals transitioning from incarceration, you quickly learn that stable housing is a must for successful reintegration. There’s a strong correlation between housing stability and preventing recidivism. So, how does housing affect crime rates in practice? Let’s find out. Understanding Recidivism The cycle of recidivism affects far too many ex-offenders. So, what […]

Self-Care for Providers During the Holiday Season

scover practical self-care strategies for providers during the holiday season.

The season of giving can be a humbling experience for helping professionals, a reminder that behind our education, licensure and emotional support cardigan, we’re just people. Overwhelming client needs can leave us depleted while navigating the holiday season, and all that it brings up, in our personal lives.  While we’re quick to discuss self-care with […]

Listening and Learning: How Clients Teach Us About Holiday Celebrations

Listening and Learning: How Clients Teach Us About Holiday Celebrations

The holiday season has a reputation for presenting us with unique challenges but experience helped me reframe this time of year, at least in the context of learning. By approaching holiday-centric conversations with a client-centered perspective and open curiosity, you’ll find the season of giving actually has a lot to offer.  Clients as Experts: Understanding […]