Casebook Powered Amazon Web Services

Equip your team with the best technology for case management and human services. Casebook makes it easier for nonprofit, private sector, and public organizations to fulfill their missions and deliver better client experiences.

Casebook Platform’s Top 5 Most Important Amazon Web Services

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service EKS

EKS allows us to automate management of the containerized Casebook Human and Social Services platform. The most noticeable improvements and time savings come from deployments and scalability. We also noticed improvements in performance and more manageable utilization of hardware. EKS also allows us to orchestrate better load balancing, security and networking.

Automatic deployment to over a dozen EC2 servers and distributing over 100 Kubernetes Pods would not be possible without EKS
Amazon EKS is absolutely an integral part of Casebook internal operations and processes and it would be much harder to deliver feature releases at such high frequency while maintaining stability and reliability of each release cycle.

Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

Casebook is using RDS as the main repository layer for all micro services in our Human and Social Services platform. RDS helps us lower maintenance costs and time, and increases security, reliability, replication, availability, performance and backup and recovery operations.

We had an option to go with a more traditional approach of self hosting PostgreSQL on EC2 but this would increase maintenance requirements, updates and patching plan & policy and most importantly a higher knowledge and experience within the engineering team specially on the lower operational layers of hosting and optimizing database setting and configuration.

AWS Cognito

AWS Cognito supports SAML 2.0 and OpenID Connect protocols to enable and integrate Single Sign-On with a large number of Identity Access Management systems and solutions. This flexibility assures our tenants can use their existing IAM infrastructure and management while adding Casebook Platform to their list of SaaS or in-house solutions. Ease of integration and maintainability are the main reasons for selecting and architecting with AWS Cognito for SSO capabilities.

While we were researching other offerings and historically used other SSO products, we are happy with the AWS Cognito overall functionality, flexibility and interoperability.

AWS Comprehend

Comprend is critical for Casebook Platform’s Intake module, and it ensures that the intake narrative text collected via any medium available, is interpreted into relevant entities and correct correlations as established immediately as the intake narrative is entered.

AWS Comprehend helps our platform avoid entering and saving duplicate data records, and it helps us suggest important relationships and connections with existing data points. This increases data quality and enables faster and more accurate decision making and services offered to our customers.

AWS Route53

Route53 is helping Casebook manage all the domains as well as automatically script based subdomain management. Casebook usage if domains and subdomains would be much more labor intensive had we not used Route53.

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Casebook PBC is proud to be an AWS Partner. Our solutions are integrated with the AWS cloud, and developed to fully utilize its advanced storage and analytics services. Casebook PBC customers benefit from the scalability, ease of use, and high availability offered by AWS.