The Power of SMARTIE Deliverables
So, how do we build trust? You build trust by ensuring that you’re following through on your commitments and promises to funders. This is partly why the engagement phase is so important, each follow-up, touch point engagement moment underline commitments and builds trust. As you’re moving through the initial cultivation process or renewal phase, funders […]
What’s the Right Software for Your Human Services Organization?
As it has for every kind of enterprise, software for human services organizations has developed prodigiously in a few short years. Volunteers and workers who confront disease and deprivation on a daily basis, however, are still ill-equipped to defeat these enemies which drive their efforts and guide their missions. As you consider the range of […]
Understanding The Meaning Of Human Services
What is the meaning of human services? The question seems simple enough. Though disciplines like social work and counseling have been around since the 19th century, the broader category of human services didn’t emerge as its own field of study until the 1960s. You may have a comprehensive, up-to-date definition of the term straight out of […]
How to Implement Your Human Services Software Quickly
Searching for a new human services platform can turn up a host of options, leading to confusion or even analysis paralysis. Should you pick a familiar name-brand platform and spend the time (and consulting fees) conforming it to your specific needs? Or are there more appropriate choices for your organization that can help you save […]
The Best Human Services Software You Can Get in Canada
Of all the software platforms you can use for human services, one stands out as an ideal solution for organizations that fill this pressing need: Casebook. Now available in most of Canada, Casebook is the first and only pure software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform for human services. Case managers, social workers, and other workers who are on […]